Tax Investigations

A tax investigation can be extremely stressful and can impact on your business and personal life. inTAX is here to help provide the solution to your tax problem.

Anyone whose financial affairs come under the scrutiny of a tax inspector is in for an emotional roller-coaster ride. In the first few moments of realisation – usually after opening an ominous brown envelope with the letters “HMRC” on it – The staff at inTAX are highly qualified with many years’ experience with investigations, we’re chartered tax advisors and former Inland Revenue inspectors.

If you’re being investigated or are looking to seek advice, please speak to one of our experienced advisors now.

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Tax Investigations - How can we help you?

We are very experienced in dealing with all sorts of tax problems and tax investigations whether identified by HMRC or not. Specifically, we have many years’ experience in dealing with:

  • The Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF)
  • The preparation of disclosure reports as required under the Contractual Disclosure Facility (CDF)/
    Code of Practice 9 where suspected serious tax fraud is alleged (tax evasion
  • Preparing disclosure reports for unprompted voluntary disclosures other than the LDF
  • Resolving tax investigations being conducted under Code of Practice 8 (tax avoidance)
  • Dealing with tax enquiries raised into individuals, partnerships, corporates, offshore trusts or onshore trusts
  • Providing advice in relation to the tax appeals system and hearings at the tax tribunal
  • Providing advice to tax accountants, lawyers, agents and other professionals and working with them in the best interests of the client
  • Providing advice relating to the UK / Swiss agreement
  • Certification of UK tax compliance to Liechtenstein Financial Intermediaries as now required by law in Liechtenstein.

What you need to know


We fight hard to get the best deal for our clients, aiming to get the best settlement, the minimum applicable penalty and ensuring that our fees are commercially viable.

We deal with both serious and less serious tax problems and, depending on our client’s wishes, can minimise the client’s contact with HMRC.

Our aims: to meet the client’s individual needs and allow the client to focus on what really matters to them: their business and their personal life.

Our priorities: to provide excellent client service and help relieve the pressure and stress of a tax investigation.

Our clients include: private individuals, partnerships, companies, onshore and offshore trusts.

We deal with: most types of tax, including income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax, VAT, inheritance tax and PAYE, residence and domicile issues, voluntary disclosures, film schemes, disguised remuneration and employee benefit trusts. We also represent clients at tax tribunals.

We also provide: litigation support to clients and their legal representatives for presentation to courts or tribunals, setting out the numbers in a clear and methodical fashion and explaining them in a clear and concise manner.

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